
Under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992, Australian Government agencies are required to ensure information and services are provided in a non-discriminatory, accessible manner. The Australian Passport Office adheres to this requirement by offering the following services.

Interpreting services

If you do not speak English you can bring someone with you to lodge your passport application and to interpret for you. This could be a family member or a friend.

Alternatively, we can arrange, through the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) National, an interpreter to help you lodge your application. This service is free. Please tell us you will need an interpreter, giving as much notice as possible. To contact us with the assistance of a phone interpreter, call TIS National on 131 450. When you telephone TIS National, please tell the operator the language you speak, as well as the name and phone number of the person you wish to contact.

Pre-booked telephone interpreting services

Booking a telephone interpreter well in advance of the day you plan to lodge your application will ensure that any special requirements can be catered for, and that the services of the highest qualified interpreter available can be secured for the time you nominate. Interpreters of some languages are in high demand, and they need adequate notice of the time and likely length of an appointment.

Help with translations

The Australian Government provides a document translating service for Australian citizens and migrants settling permanently in Australia.

Please note that translated passport application forms are not available. All applications must be completed in English.

See more information on services offered through the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) National.

National Relay Service (NRS)

You can contact us through the NRS if you:

  • are d/Deaf
  • are hard of hearing
  • have a speech or communication difficulty.

There are 2 easy steps

For more information, visit About the National Relay Service.

Passport office and collection locations

All our state and territory offices are wheelchair accessible.

We value your comments about our service

We work hard to improve our service to you and we welcome your input about how we can make it even better.

Please submit any compliments, complaints or comments by using the online form on our website; or call us on 131 232.

You may also provide feedback to us by writing to:

Communications Unit
Australian Passport Office
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
R G Casey Building
John McEwen Crescent
Barton ACT 0221 Australia