We issued 1,745,340 passports – that’s 7,009 each business day. 70% of applicants used our online services. 134,787 people paid to have their passport issued in 2 days plus delivery. 14,614,941 Australians had a passport = 57% of the population. End to end, the number of passports we printed would stretch from Byron Bay to Noosa Heads. 31,073 passports were reported lost or stolen. 5,915 emergency travel documents were issued. 73 applications not processed on suspicion of dishonesty or fraud. 45 passports cancelled or refused on national security or law enforcement grounds. Top 5 countries for lost and stolen Australian passports Lost passports Stolen passports 1 Australia Australia 2 United States United States 3 United Kingdom Italy 4 Japan France 5 New Zealand Spain