
What identity documents do I need?

Unless you qualify for renewal, you have to prove your identity by showing us:

Any foreign-language documents have to be translated in full by an approved translation service.

Birth certificate

If you were born in Australia, you need to provide your full, original Australian birth certificate issued by an Australian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.

If you were born overseas, you need to provide your full, original foreign birth certificate, legalised if necessary, unless:

  • you have a full, original Australian birth certificate, or
  • you’re an adult applicant and you have an Australian citizenship certificate that shows your gender and place of birth, or
  • you’re an adult applicant and you can show us a foreign passport or other official document that has your gender and place of birth.

Other identity documents

You need to provide combination 1, combination 2 or combination 3 of the identity documents in categories A, B and C below.

Combination 1

  • One document from Category A plus
  • One document from Category B. plus
  • If neither of these documents shows your current address, one document from Category C that shows your current address.

Combination 2 (only if you can’t present Combination 1)

  • Two documents from Category B plus
  • One official document that includes your photo plus
  • if none of these documents show your current address, you will also need to provide one document from Category C that shows your current address.

Combination 3 (only if you can’t present Combination 1 or 2)

  • At least three documents from Category C that show your name and current address plus
  • One official document that includes your photo and signature e.g. a workplace identity card, student card.

Your application may take longer to process if you use Combination 3. You won’t be eligible for a faster processing service.

Category A

These documents have to be original and current. We don’t accept digital driver licences.

Applications in AustraliaOverseas applications
  • Current driver licence issued by an Australian state or territory.        
  • Proof of age card or Photo Card issued by an Australian state or territory
  • Any of the Australian issued Category A documents
  • Foreign residency identity card
  • Current driver licence issued by a foreign government's driving/traffic/motor vehicle licensing authority.

Category B

These documents have to be originals. They also have to be current, with the exception of the Australian passport.

Applications in AustraliaOverseas applications
  • Medicare card
  • Centrelink card
  • Department of Veterans' Affairs card
  • Credit card or bank account card
  • Foreign passport
  • Australian passport (issued on or after 1 July 2000 with more than two years validity that has not been expired for over ten years, or reported lost/stolen)
  • Any of the Australian issued Category B documents shown at left
  • National health card
  • Social security card
  • Veterans' card
  • Credit card or bank account card
  • National insurance card

Category C

These documents have to be no more than 12 months old when you apply for your passport.

For applications in Australia and overseas
  • Motor vehicle registration or insurance papers
  • Property rates notice
  • Property lease agreement
  • Home insurance papers
  • Utilities bills (e.g. telephone, electricity or gas)
  • Bank or credit card statements

What if my birth in Australia wasn’t registered?

If you were born in Australia and you can’t show us your birth certificate because your birth wasn’t registered, you will need to contact the State or Territory Registry of Birth, Death and Marriages to enquire about a late registry of birth. You will then need to get:

  • a full, original Australian birth certificate, or
  • a certificate that says your birth is listed in the Northern Territory Aboriginal Population Records, or
  • a citizenship certificate from the Department of Home Affairs.

If you identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, you don’t need to apply for a citizenship certificate. You can provide a completed 

B19 - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander declaration pdf (PDF 430.37 KB)

if you can't provide any of the above listed documents.

What if my overseas-born child doesn’t have a birth certificate?

If your child doesn’t have a birth certificate, then you’ll need to get one.

If you can’t get an overseas birth certificate, then each person with parental responsibility has to complete a

B6 - Child born overseas and no birth certificate (PDF 180.34 KB)

to explain why. Only do this if getting a birth certificate is genuinely impossible, not if it’s simply inconvenient or time-consuming.

See also:

Australian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages

Visit the births, deaths and marriages website in your state or territory for information about birth certificates and identity documents. 

State or territoryResources
ACTACT Government - Access Canberra
NSWNew South Wales Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages
NTNorthern Territory Births, Deaths and Marriages
QldQueensland Births, Deaths and Marriages and Divorces
SASouth Australia Births, Deaths and Marriages
TasTasmania Births, Deaths and Marriages
VicVictoria Births, Deaths and Marriages
WAWestern Australia Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages