Passport fraud

What happens if I’m dishonest in a passport application?

We check every application.  You'll probably get caught.

If we have reasonable grounds to suspect there is fraud or dishonesty in your application, we may refuse to process it. We won't refund the fee.  You'll have to apply again and pay the fee a second time.

What are the most common kinds of fraud and dishonesty?

  • Forging the signature of a person who has parental responsibility for a child, even if that person consents to the child having a passport.
  • Failing to identify all persons with parental responsibility for a child.
  • Falsely signing as a witness on an application.
  • Misrepresenting the length of time a guarantor has known an applicant.

Do people ever go to prison for passport fraud?

Yes. The maximum term for passport fraud is ten years.

People have gone to prison for offences such as:

  • Making false or misleading statements.
  • Giving false or misleading information.
  • Producing false or misleading documents.
  • Improperly using or possessing an Australian travel document, including by giving their passport to someone else to use.
  • Selling, damaging, altering or dishonestly obtaining an Australian travel document.
  • Failing to report a lost or stolen Australian travel document.

I suspect passport fraud. What should I do?

If you suspect someone of committing passport fraud, or if you think you may be a victim of passport fraud, submit an online Fraud Report or call us on 131 232. You can also contact your nearest Australian diplomatic or consular mission. We'll treat your information in strict confidence.

If you're a victim of identity crime, you can get support by contacting IDCARE or phone toll free in Australia on 1800 595 160.