There’s a reason why no one uses their passport photo for their social media profile pic.
No smiling, no flattering angles, no soft lighting and no filters make it hard for anyone to look good.
But don’t be tempted to touch it up with a bit of photoshopping magic. We don’t accept photos that have been digitally altered.
You should make sure your passport photo has:
- no retouching of any kind (this includes removal of background, moles, wrinkles or scars)
- no marks or ‘red eye’ and is clear and focused
- a plain white or light grey background that contrasts with your face
- uniform lighting (no shadows or reflections)
- your face centred and looking at the camera straight on
- your hair off your face (the edges of your face are visible)
- your eyes open, mouth closed and glasses off
- a neutral expression (no smiling, laughing or frowning).
If your photo doesn’t meet our requirements, we’ll ask you for another photo and your application will take longer.
The easiest way to get your passport photo taken is to use a professional passport photo provider.
For more information, see our photo requirements page.