Still waiting on your child’s passport?
If you’re travelling in the next 24-48 hours and are waiting to receive your child’s passport, please call us on 131 232.
We normally recommend customers allow a minimum of six weeks to apply for or renew their passport.
While most people are getting their passport within this timeframe, there will always be cases where applications take longer.
Child applications can often fall into this category.
We have to verify all the supporting documents we need as part of a child applications. This means they sometimes take longer to process.
Establishing parental consent is another factor that can add to processing times for child passports.
Each person with parental responsibility for a child must give their consent to the child being issued with a passport. This includes separated parents.
If we can’t get full parental consent, the only other way to guarantee we can issue a passport is for us to be shown an Australian court order which permits the child to:
- have an Australian passport
- travel internationally
- live or spend time with a person outside Australia.
If there isn’t full consent or an Australian court order permitting the child to travel, we may only issue a child passport if we consider special circumstances apply.
These consent requirements are in place for a very good reason. They’re legislated specifically to provide all parents the right to make decisions about their children. Importantly they protect children, including safeguarding them against criminal activities such as child abduction.
For more information, please see how to get a child passport.